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Salt thinking
Home to our blogs, news, videos, initiatives and other bits and bobs.

Salt // four
October 10, 2021
And in a blink of an eye, Salt is four! The last 12 months really have flown by, which is a strange feeling given the pandemic simultaneously feels like it’s lasted forever. We almost feel grown up now, fully established and excited about where we are, as well as what’s still to come.

July 18, 2021
We at Salt have been chatting a lot recently about the fact that we’ve not written a blog since last year. It’s sad how these are the things that are first to go when there is a lot of work on, and given our last post was about the joys of cashflow it was pointed out to us recently (thanks Stuart!) that we may have left the wrong impression ...

Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Week - a personal story
June 11, 2021
This week is Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Week[1]. Despite my Dad having had LBD I had no idea the awareness week existed. I guess that’s why we need to raise awareness. Lewy Body Dementia, for those of you who don’t know, is the second biggest cause of dementia in the UK...

One year on
March 15, 2021
A year ago today I was battling a nasty respiratory virus that may or may not have been COVID-19. I still don't know. Reading this post again, it is amazing how much has changed in the last year.

Pause for thought
January 21, 2021
Since starting Salt with Kath over 3 years ago I continually ask the question ‘are we still striving for and achieving what we set out to do when we started?’ (Go on, ask Kath. she’ll tell you it’s my favourite question)...

The year that was
December 21, 2020
This year we have started a partnership with the RCN Foundation, so we wanted to take the opportunity to show our support. Nurses and midwives have been some of the hardest hit through the pandemic, and people like the RCN Foundation are there to help give them the support they need.

Salt // three
October 9, 2020
Would you Adam and Eve it Salt is three today! Well I think it’s fair to say that year three was certainly not what we expected… well not what anyone expected really. January feels like a lifetime ago, back in the days when you could work together in real life, have meetings, see people, travel. We miss all those things, especially people.

Will the planet thank us for COVID-19?
August 12, 2020
It’s approaching the time of year where we offset Salt’s carbon emissions. Being a virtual agency our footprint has never been huge, but this year I am obviously expecting it to be lower than usual.

A set up to fail
July 13, 2020
This blog covers a subject that has vexed me and that I’ve wanted to address for a long time. Certainly people that know me will have been subjected to some of the following in various incarnations over the last 5 years and are probably rolling their eyes right about now ...

Have I had coronavirus?
March 12, 2020
The simple answer is, I don’t know. The guidance to self-isolate if you are showing symptoms came at the same time as the guidance to only test people who are hospitalised. I have had a persistent dry cough, difficulties breathing and a mild fever. But I will never know whether it is COVID-19.

I am not a vegan
November 6, 2019
I became a vegetarian back in the 1980s. In those days it was far from common, and it was hard to find vegetarian food when I was away from home. My friends’ parents didn’t know how to deal with it, and my Dad thought I was some kind of hippy weirdo who would get over it by the time I hit my teenage years. 30 years on, I am still vegetarian ...

Salt // two
October 9, 2019
The last 12 months have been amazing. When we turned one we reflected on why we started Salt, saying ‘We wanted to feel free to enjoy what we do, put our experience to good use, make a difference, and to simplify and streamline the way we work so we can offer people more.’ We had certainly done some of that in year one, but looking back now on year two, we have done a whole lot more ...
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Marketing Director, Jazz Pharmaceuticals